Awareness & Resources



Our mission is to offer a place of trust, connection, communication and education.

Through open dialogue, we aim to address various aspects of health and hormones to include puberty, menstrual health, peri, post menopause and empowered healthy ageing.

Knowledge is power and changes the fear of the unknown or confusion into positive focus for going forward with supportive guidance and resources to help people navigate these transitions with grace and confidence.


Celebrate your body - Sonya Renee Taylor - Positive Puberty books

Ruby Luna’s Curious Journey - Ruby Luna’s Moontime - Tessa Venuti Sanderson

Period Power - Maisie Hill

One stop guide Menopause - Kathy Abernathy

Feel great books - Dr. Rangeen Chatterjee

Everything you wanted to know about the menopause - Kate Muir

E books also on Menopause Support and A Vogel health/menopause.


NHS Squeezey - helping with pelvic floor muscles.


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